Cashmere Primary – Engaging with stakeholders to develop a master plan
Developing a master plan is the next stage in delivering a school’s capital project and follows on from the writing of an education brief. The master plan is a comprehensive long term planning tool intended to establish and guide the future development of the school site. It reflects a clear vision for the future direction of teaching and learning and is supported by policies, guidelines, and priorities. As part of the master planning process, it is important to engage with whānau, students, community, and staff.
These videos describe how Cashmere Primary School involved their community and teachers during this time.
Communicating with parents
"We had meetings where parents were able to come in and talk with us and ask questions. The key parents who were here often had young ones as they will have the longest experience and benefit from what we were doing."
Utilising experience in the community to support the design team
"Use the resources inside your school. Use your parents."
Communicating and involving all staff: Key roles and responsibilities
"The value of having team leaders giving their wish lists, their feedback, and their learning needs was incredibly important at a very early stage with the architects."
How will you communicate clearly with whānau during the master planning process?
What expertise do you have in your school community that you could access to support the process? How can this be identified?
What planning is needed to ensure the right people are involved at key milestones in the process?
Find out more
Perspectives and partnerships resources
Grow Waitaha resources to support engagement with whānau and community.