Hornby High School – Learning from our lockdown
In March 2020 New Zealand went into a nationwide lockdown in response to the Covid-19 pandemic. This meant that ākonga could not attend schools and educators worked hard to deliver remote learning.
In this video, the community of Hornby High School describe their experiences of the lockdown. Find out what worked, what was challenging, and what new discoveries were made about teaching and learning that are shaping their future decision making.
"There's a lot of conversation going on here now around what we're going to take forward from here ... I think the agency thing is critical and I've already started to talk with our teachers here around what that might look like."
Robin Sutton, Principal.
What was remote learning like for your ākonga, whānau, and kaiako? How do you know this?
How did your approaches to teaching and learning change during lockdown?
Did these changes keep true to your school's vision and values for learning?
Are there any changes that you would like to keep or look into further?
Find out more
After the rāhui – A framework for reflecting on lockdown experiences
"We are kanohi ki te kanohi people": keeping Māori students connected during Covid-19 – Education Gazette talks to people from kura all over Aotearoa about how educators are working together to keep Māori students and their whānau connected during Covid-19.
Reimagining learning: a student's perspective – Edgecumbe College student Emily McClure believes there is much we can learn from distance learning to inform the way we learn in the future.